Today is another boring day... Go to school as usual and had my chemistry common test... most of the questions are calculations... like maths... nvr finish all the questions... sad... stayed at the aquarium to bout 3:55pm after school... bought another species of Polypterus- Mei Hua Long in chinese bcoz I'm still not sure each of their individual scientific name... Currently have 30 Polypteridae in two fish 'tanks'... all together got 34 fish - includes my youngest brother's 2 Gouramis and 2 Leopard Algae eaters... Still gonna getting more though... hahas...
See this frog? This is the size of frog that I feed to my larger Polypterus...
Ooops... The frog slipped and escaped from my fingers...
It escaped again...
If you can see clearly... this is Albino Red Eye... It is chewing the frog that I gave earlier... can't see clearly? Try look at its gills... its gills are quite open which means its chewing food... it ate bout 5 frogs if I'm not wrong bcoz I fed it personally with frogs five times almost constantly...
It's still chewing on the fifth frog I fed it...
Went to blog after that feeding... Gdluck every1 from fhss sec 3 for their A-maths common test tmr...
hAd AnOtHeR LaMbOrGhInI On |8/13/2008 06:37:00 PM|
~aBouT mE~
nAmE : Guo YuanChang nIcK : H3||D3V!| / Orochi aGe : 17 hOrOsCoPe: Pisces e-MaIl : / sChOol : Yuqun Pri -> Yuhua Pri -> Bukit View Sec -> Fuhua Sec -> Singapore Polytechnic dEpLoMa : Electrical & Electronics Engineering
cLaSs : 1A24